Monday 19 January 2009

Chunk 27 Assignment

This is the aim of Chunk 27:

TITLE An introduction to Processing
DESCRIPTION This is the first of a series of introductions to the Processing environment. In this one you will just introduce the main features of the environment.
OUTCOME Understand what each of the six componenents of the Processing environment do.
REFERENCE Greenberg 144--150
HINT Try and condense the description given by Greenberg a bit
PROGRAM Don't develop a program but develop a set of exercises which take the reader through the use of Processing. Make them step by stepwith a description of what happens if the step was succesful andwarnings about some of the errors that could be made.

Friday 16 January 2009

Getting Started!

I will be starting on chunk 20 first but there will still be progress here so will post as soon as I have something :)